I've had many requests to email my free printables lately, and I want to apologize if I do not send them right away. I returned from vacation last weekend, then this week I've been at girl scout Day Camp! I will be working on all those requests on Monday!!!
All of my free documents are available via Google Drive and can be downloaded immediately. If you are having problems, it may be a simple fix with your internet browser, so I suggest just googling the error message to see if there is something easy you can try. If not (and I totally understand the frustrations that come along with computer issues!!), then I'm happy to send them!
Also--please leave comments with documents that you'd like to see for the upcoming year. It may be something I've already created or something I haven't thought of yet. I appreciate all of you who have sent me messages that you are using many of the free printables.....I love feedback!