Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Message Regarding 2021 Cookie Printables


I am already starting to receive messages regarding my cookie sales printables for 2021! Because I do not own the rights to any of the ABC Baker or Little Brownie Baker graphics, I am not allowed to "sell" anything using the images.  Therefore, I typically create all the designs like the BINGO games and thank you cards and post them as FREE downloads.  Please understand that this takes many, many hours of my time!

Where I do make money is my Etsy shop, creating unique designs that do not violate any trademark or copyright laws.  Sadly, due to Covid-19, my Etsy shop has taken a hit this year.  I would prefer to spend my time working on listings that will bring me at least a small profit in my shop.  I am creating some more "generic" cookie printables, like I usually have, that can be purchased for a fair price.  As a former troop leader for five years myself, I completely understand that troops are on a tight budget.

As of today, November 17, 2020, I plan to at least update the BINGO Game for 2021 by the end of December, as well as a few other thank you cards and designs.  I ask that you at least consider purchasing something from my Etsy shop!  I offer holiday cards, newsletters, games, many certificates, or I can create a customized design just for you!

Thanks for understanding!  


Last updated 12.16.2020
(Please note that some designs have been copied over from previous years and may not reflect the current cookies as of yet!)


  1. These are amazing. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you for these amazing printables!! If I help you with translation, any chance you could do some in Spanish?
