Hi everyone!!! I know...it's been forever since I've posted!! Today is my very first day with both kids at school for the whole day! There were two other days recently too, but my BFF is getting ready to put her house on the market, so I've been helping her out. More about my not-so-fashionable life down below! Here is a quick
Sparkle printable I'm happy to share!! Great for framing!!
The kids started back to school on August 12th, and we've been back to schedules, homework, dance class, tae kwon do, football, brownies....etc...etc.....!!!!!
I know, I know....I make the cutesy, fancy little signs for my blog and Etsy shop, but my own kids have boring ones!!!! I've used the same exact style since Mya was in preschool (before the days of Pinterest), so I decided to keep them the same through elementary school.
This is the 2nd year that we've done a Back-to-School Party for the neighborhood kids on the first day! We had an ice cream sundae bar, popcorn, and water balloons!!
We were going to visit family out of town one weekend, so I bought all the supplies to make these nail string projects! I may have to do a post on how to do this...Mya, my nieces, and I all had a blast with these!
On August 22nd, I celebrated 13 years as a Mary Kay consultant!!!! Do you think I look younger than 37? (I hope so, hehehe!!!!!!)
Mason began his final year of preschool!!!
We celebrated Jim's birthday:
We had our first brownie meeting of the new school year!
Mya's school is having a 30-Day Challenge! Each day is a different healthy activity that we, as a family, are encouraged to do. Last night was wall-sits!!!! Ouchhhhhh!!!! ;)
Okay, only an hour left to get the house cleaned up before school pick-up, so I better get busy!!!! Hope everyone is having a great few weeks left of the summer!