Soooo......keeping with my latest Hexagon Punch obsession, and not willing to toss them all in the trash, I knew we needed a compromise. How about displaying them in a unique way?! Greeting cards for little girls are gorgeous!!!! Many are sparkly and metallic with princesses and castles and butterflies! All the things that represent my little Mya!
Supplies I used:
11x14 canvas panels from Walmart (similar HERE)
Hexagon Punch, Circle Punch (use any size or design you wish!)
Old greeting cards
For the first one, I just cut out circles and layered them onto the canvas:
The second one took a little more time since I used the hexagon punch and tried to space the punches out evenly. I started from the bottom and worked my way up. It's easier than you might think to space out the pieces....I'm usually picky about these kind of things, but I found it to be very simple once I got the first row down.
I just used a couple Command strips to hang them up on the wall!! I may decide to paint them with a clear coat of poly or Mod Podge so the pieces adhere more permanently. For now, I'm curious to see how long they will last with just the glue stick.
I wrote the name of the person who gave Mya the card on the back of some of the pieces. I may never look at them, but I just felt like I needed to write them for memory's sake!!!
Now on to my son's bedroom......yikes, what project will I get into next?!!!