Wednesday, September 22, 2021

New Links

Apparently there has been a security update which is causing many of the links to my free downloads to require my approval.  I am working on fixing all of these links so that they will automatically download when you click on them.  

-->To see all the updated files that are available, click here

Girl Scout files: my daughter is no longer in girl scouts and it has been many years since our involvement.  I'm not up-to-date on any of the latest girl scout related items, so I will no longer be updating any of those files on this blog or adding any more.  Feel free to use my current files.  

Important: I will never give "editing access" to anyone, as that would compromise the original file.  However, you may download the documents directly to your computer to edit them.  File links will direct you to google drive.  From there, in the top left, click File, then go down to Download. Then you can go into Word and open the files from wherever your computer has saved them.  You'll be able to edit the Word documents from there! Detailed instructions are here.

I offer many designs in my Etsy shop at a very reasonable price for immediate download!  Please use code TAKE2 to get $2.00 off your order from my shop!



Wednesday, December 30, 2020

NEW 2021 Version - Free Printable Girl Scout Cookies BINGO

Please consider visiting my Etsy shop to support my designs and the creation of new printables!  Thank you!!!
For new leaders or those not familiar with Girl Scout cookies: Girl Scouts uses two different bakers to produce the cookies, which is why the names of the cookies are different depending on where you live and what company is making the cookies for your area. That is the reason for the two different BINGO games.

Images and clipart are from ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers.  

The 2021 BINGO games are ready!!  I really hope you enjoy them!  All images are courtesy of the two bakers, and you will find two different versions of the game.  Each set includes 12 boards.  If you have more than 12 players, I suggest that you have the players team up. 
(Word files are not formatted for Google Docs.  I am unable to grant editing access to shared files.  Please see download instructions for details.)

I will also have items for sale in my Etsy shop beginning in January, so please stop by!

:) Jamie

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In order to keep these printables FREE, I do not offer customization or additional boards.  Please visit my Etsy shop for custom order inquiries and price quotes!

Clipart from:
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For your personal and troop use only.  Professional printing okay.

Jamie My Fashionable Designs
Etsy | Blog | Facebook | Instagram 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Message Regarding 2021 Cookie Printables


I am already starting to receive messages regarding my cookie sales printables for 2021! Because I do not own the rights to any of the ABC Baker or Little Brownie Baker graphics, I am not allowed to "sell" anything using the images.  Therefore, I typically create all the designs like the BINGO games and thank you cards and post them as FREE downloads.  Please understand that this takes many, many hours of my time!

Where I do make money is my Etsy shop, creating unique designs that do not violate any trademark or copyright laws.  Sadly, due to Covid-19, my Etsy shop has taken a hit this year.  I would prefer to spend my time working on listings that will bring me at least a small profit in my shop.  I am creating some more "generic" cookie printables, like I usually have, that can be purchased for a fair price.  As a former troop leader for five years myself, I completely understand that troops are on a tight budget.

As of today, November 17, 2020, I plan to at least update the BINGO Game for 2021 by the end of December, as well as a few other thank you cards and designs.  I ask that you at least consider purchasing something from my Etsy shop!  I offer holiday cards, newsletters, games, many certificates, or I can create a customized design just for you!

Thanks for understanding!  


Last updated 12.16.2020
(Please note that some designs have been copied over from previous years and may not reflect the current cookies as of yet!)

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Downloads + New Designs in my Shop!

 I just wanted to write a quick update regarding all the downloads I have available on this site.  Good news - You do NOT need to request access to any of the files!  (In fact, I'm unable to give editing access, as this would compromise the original files).  Simply download the file and open it from your computer! I get multiple requests a day asking for access and I am unable to reply directly to these messages at the moment.   See download instructions for details!

I have many back-to-school files like First Day Signs, calendars, planners, etc. that I hope you will enjoy!  

I do not have any advertising built into this site currently and I receive no ad revenue.  However, I am open to working with companies, organizations, or individuals who have valuable information or products for my readers.  Please contact me for inquiries.  Stop by my Etsy shop to see the many designs I have available for purchase!

:) Jamie

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Virtual Birthday - Quarantine Birthday Idea!

If you're like me, I'm sure you know someone who has had a birthday during Quarantine 2020!!!  I've seen drive-by parades all over social media!! My daughter has her 13th birthday coming up and we've been brainstorming some ideas about how we can celebrate if we're still stuck at home.  While our plans could change at any moment, we are considering a Virtual Birthday!  This idea may work best with older kids who have their own phone or device, but you could tweak it for younger kids too!  Obviously more parent involvement will be needed for the younger ones!


Your invitation will be very important in detailing all the details of the party.  You may need to set up a video conference ahead of time and provide a passcode for your guests.  Not everyone has an Apple device with access to FaceTime, so you will need to figure out these details ahead of time and include them on your invitation. Etsy has great invitations available (my shop has two--see below), but you can just create your own from your phone using Canva or any other free app!  

Select a one-hour party time slot for the video call. Some conferencing hosts have time limits, so you may be forced to adhere to these restrictions.  Kids get bored and may not be used to extended video calls, so keeping the call under one hour will make it easier to maintain their attention span.

This is where you can be creative!!!  An hour before the scheduled party, drive around to each of the guests' homes (if they are local) and drop of a party kit!  Examples include:
-Printed party games like BINGO, Scavenger Hunts, Word Games, Apples to Apples or my personal favorite: "Who Knows Her/Him Best" where guests use dry erase boards or paper to answer a question about the birthday girl/boy.  If they answer the same as the birthday honoree, they get the point!

-Photo props for guests to wear during the call like sunglasses, birthday hat, feather boas, temporary tattoos, crowns or tiaras, necklaces, etc.

-Food like pre-packaged cupcakes, donuts, & cookies, bags of chips, juice boxes.  Keep it simple and sanitary by including items that are already packaged, but add a cute ribbon or sticker to make it more personal!  Make time to sing Happy Birthday and eat the cupcakes all together!!!

-Craft sets like scratch art, LEGOs, canvases with paint--activities that could be done by the guests during the call!!!  

-Favors.  This one is tricky for me because I like to opt for a craft over a favor, unless it is useful or disposable!  I personally do not care for trinkets like bouncy balls, whistles, bubbles, etc.  But that is just me!!!  I love favors like candy that be consumed, crafted jars that can be used to store pencils, photo frames with a photo from the party, gel pens or fancy see where I'm going, right?!!!  

Create an agenda for the party.  This will help keep you and the guests on track to get through all your activities.  You can plan time for socializing, games, eating, photos/screenshots, and even a quick one-on-one chat with the birthday girl/boy and each of the guests!

In order to keep these printables FREE, I do not offer customization.  Please visit my Etsy shop for custom order inquiries and price quotes!

Clipart from:

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For your personal and classroom use only.  Professional printing okay.

Jamie My Fashionable Designs
Etsy | Blog | Facebook | Instagram 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Laundry Room Updates!

This post has been a long time coming!!!  We have finally finished the last of our laundry room updates, so I'm ready to share all the pics!!!

When we first moved into this house seven years ago, I knew that the laundry room was not ideal.  Of course I would love a large room where I could separate all the colors of clothing, have a lovely countertop to fold it all, and a long, sturdy bar to hang-dry all my.....well, pretty much everything of mine gets air dried!!! But without a big renovation, I'm stuck with this "area!" This little room gets lots of traffic, as it's the only way to get to the garage from inside the house.  This also means it's the first room we come to when we enter the house from the garage.

If you look beyond the heaping piles of clothes and clutter, you can see that it had nice cabinets above the washer and dryer.  There was also a small utility sink with storage underneath.  I added the bar for air-drying our clothes, as well as the two sets of hooks on the opposite wall.  But the room was not working for us.  WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!!

What I hated most about this laundry room:
1.  There was no place to store laundry baskets
2. That utility sink was useless (we have a large one in the basement)
3. There was no storage for backpacks, winter stuff, etc.

I reeeeeeally wanted to just install beautiful built-in lockers and move the laundry upstairs somewhere.  But that costs money.  Actually, it would probably cost a A LOT of money!  Not to mention, we'd have to give up a big section of our guest bedroom or renovate the master bathroom to get it done.

So after many months of brainstorming and planning, I came up with a fairly inexpensive solution.  And after one year of living with the new and improved set-up, I can say that I am very, very glad we did it!  It has worked great!!!!!!

First we removed that awful utility sink and cabinet. 

We removed the cabinets and relocated them to the garage. 

Then we stacked the washer and dryer by using a simple kit from Amazon.
The final step was to find a something that would hold the "stuff." We needed a place for all the laundry supplies, of course, but also: light bulbs, extension cords, backpacks, hats & gloves, the kids' socks...... I looked for weeks and weeks for the perfect piece that had a bench and hooks and cubbies. But in the end, we found this cabinet from IKEA!!!  Over one year later, I have NO complaints about it!!!!  

Here it is before we had the walls patched and painted.  We also had to get a new washer and dryer a few months ago, so you may notice that in the photos at the end.

The shelves store light bulbs, extension cords, laundry and cleaning supplies, and laundry baskets.  The kids each have a drawer for their socks and the other two drawers hold hats, gloves, scarves, etc.  The bottom cubbies are perfect for backpacks, cheer bags, basketball bags, etc.!

I found the collapsible rod on Amazon, so now I have a great place to air dry all my jeans and sweaters.  
At some point, I'd love to update the flooring, but for now, I'm just happy that the room is functional! 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Free Planner Page + New Valentines in my Shop + Coupon Code

I hope you'll enjoy this free printable planner page!  I usually rely on my iPhone calendar for my appointments and reminders and even shopping lists.  But I still use a planner every day to unload the most important things I need to get done that day.  I use the left side for my family/personal items and the right side for business. I have found it very useful to have a place to write shopping items I need throughout the week and my most important to-dos.  Some of these things don't get done in a week's time, so I just carry them over to the next week.  There is something very satisfying about crossing off tasks on actual papers versus my phone!!!

Also--please check out some of the new 💗Valentines 💗 available in my shop!  Use code TAKE2 for $2.00 off!!!!  :) Jamie

Here is a frappuccino valentine that is an instant download!!!  Print, sign, and add a cute treat for an easy Valentine!

This version has customized cup!

My popcorn valentines were my most popular last year!  All of these options work well with both a regular size and mini size bag!