Sunday, April 13, 2014

Girl Scouts: FREE Printable Bridging Certificates

They're finally done!!!  I've had several requests for printable bridging certificates, so here they are!!! These are FREE printables where you can write in the name, leader(s), troop number and date.

UPDATE 5/22/17: For additional bridging certificates, including all levels up to adult, click HERE.

Here are the freebies, click image to download:

Please note that in an effort to keep these printables "FREE" I do not offer edits or customizations.  However, please visit my Etsy shop for quotes on custom designs made just for you!


  1. These are so cute and perfect! I'd love to use this with my troop!

  2. Are you working on bridging certificates for Cadette to Senior, Senior to Ambassador, and Ambassador to Adult? I have every level, and I am looking for all levels with similar designs. It would be great if yours went all the way up to Ambassador bridging to Adult Girl Scout!!

    1. Hi Lillie! Yes, I have all the levels up to adult:
      Thanks for visiting my blog! :)Jamie
