
Friday, January 31, 2014

Girl Scouts - Daisies FREE Calendar - Word Format

Here is a Daisies calendar that you can edit in Word!  Fill in troop events, activities, meetings, etc. and just email to the parents!  Download HERE or click on the image below!  Enjoy!
Approval through Google docs/drive is not necessary to download the file
Click the link. When the file opens, look for the white arrow in the top right corner as shown above.  See download instructions for details. 

Brownies Version HERE

Juniors Version HERE

A notice about Word documents: Sometimes the formatting can change from computer to computer.  So be aware that you may have to do some formatting changes to this calendar after you download it.  I also have this in a PDF format that you can hand-write in the dates and events.

In order to keep these printables FREE, I do not offer customization.  Please visit my Etsy shop for custom order inquiries and price quotes!

Girl clipart by 

For your personal or troop use only.  Professional printing okay.

Jamie My Fashionable Designs
Etsy | Blog | Facebook | Instagram 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

FREE Download - February Printable Calendar

It's almost time for FEBRUARY!!!! Click HERE to download or on the image below.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

FREE Printable - Planner Page

Here is a sneak peek and FREE download of a printable family planner set that is coming soon!  This is a simple, blank week-in-review that can be used for:

  • Cleaning Tasks
  • Meal Planning
  • Project Planning
  • Chores
  • To-Dos
The following will print to 8.5x11" paper.  Download PINK or TEAL or click on the image below.

If for any reason you are unable to download the documents, email me and I'm happy to email the documents to you!  Allow 48 hrs.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kids' School Binders - FREE Printable Set

My daughter started preschool as a three year-old, and before I knew it, the year was almost over and I had piles of artwork, assessments, and misc papers stacked up all over the desk and thrown into a bin.  So I decided I needed to get organized quickly because her brother was born shortly after she started school, so I knew I better stay on top of it all!! 

I used folder labels on manila folders, one for each year of her preschool and now elementary school.  But I plan to switch over to binders and use these covers and labels instead.  

Click HERE to download the free set of Binder Inserts and Dividers and Labels (Kindergarten - 6th Grade) 

Examples of how to use the documents and labels:

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Girl Scouts - FREE Printable Cookie Booth Posters!!!

Here are some cookie booth posters for Daisies, Brownies, and Girl Scouts. Download by clicking on the images below.  Enjoy!

These documents can be downloaded above.  However, if you have trouble downloading, please email me with the problem you're having and the specific file you want and I am happy to send it to you! Allow one week.

Clipart created by BitsyCreations
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Monday, January 27, 2014

Tracking Family Birthdays

Between nieces, nephews, parents, grandparents, siblings, etc.... it is difficult to keep track of all the family birthdays!!!  I usually get a Shutterfly calendar printed every year for our home and my husband's office with all the birthdays on it.  But, you can track your family's birthdays using a simple sheet like the one I created below.  Download HERE or by clicking on the image. 

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to Kill Time on a Snow Day

School is canceled.  Oh dear.  The kids will be home all day....again....and it's too cold to play outside.  And it's Noon and everyone is still in PJs.

Here are some ways to enjoy or "kill time" during those seemingly endless days!!!!!

1.  POPCORN and a movie.  A movie is 25% of the fun.  The popcorn is the other 75%!!!  We have a fabulous popcorn machine that Jim gave me for Valentine's Day several years ago.  But you don't need anything fancy like that!  You can just heat up some oil in a pot and pop 3 T of kernels (per kid) in there with the lid on.  By the time the popcorn is eaten up, the kids are glued to the movie, and you have a fabulous 1.5 hours to fold the laundry and check Facebook without interruption!

2.  Play-Doh.  It's messy, yes, but who cares???  It can keep those kiddos busy for a good hour.  Then if it's dried out all over the table, just scoop it into the trash.  It's cheap to replace.  And let it dry on the floor for awhile and it will vacuum right up.

3.  Set up something big.  A Hot Wheels track that circles around the entire first floor.  A train track that travels through 3 rooms.  A doll stroller obstacle course in the basement.  A hospital for Barbies.  This is something that you have to help the kids to get started with, but they will finish it on their own and play with it for a long time.

4.  Bring the outdoor games inside.  Set up Cornhole in the family room.  Blow up the giant bowling pins and play bowling in the basement.  Fill a kiddie pool with pillows and blankets.  Even tricycles and scooters can be used inside if you have enough room and a safe area.

5.  Go to McDonald's.  Unless it's closed or you're not allowed to drive (which is called a Level 3 snow emergency in our area), drive to a McDonald's since chances are it's within 5 miles of you.  Obviously you'll need to be careful and use your best judgment, but it's amazing how much time you can kill sitting at McDs (especially if there's a play area) eating fries and sundaes!

Stay safe and warm out there!

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Girl Scouts - Juniors - Thank You Cards

Here are some FREE Printable Thank You cards for Junior Girl Scouts.

This document can be downloaded above!  However, if you are receiving an error message or if the file is not working, please email me the problem and specifically which file and I will be happy to send it to you!  Allow 1 week.

In order to keep these printables FREE, I do not offer customization.  Please visit my Etsy shop for custom order inquiries!

Clipart created by BitsyCreations
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Labels - FREE Printable

 Here are some new label designs I created.  Download by clicking on the image below.  Enjoy!

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Girl Scouts Cookie Goal Poster - Brownies

Here is a cookie goal poster for Brownies!  Download HERE or click on the image below.

Clipart created by BitsyCreations

For your personal use only.  Professional printing okay.

Jamie My Fashionable Designs

Etsy | Blog | Facebook | Instagram 

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Girl Scouts - Daisies Calendar (Word format)

Here are some FREE calendars in Microsoft Word format with an editable table!  They are formatted for Word only.  To download from Google Drive, make a copy or click the arrow button to download. Please see Download Instructions.  Enjoy! (Note: I am unable to give "editing access" to the original file, as this would compromise the document.  However, you may still download the file then you will be able to edit the text in Word.)

In order to keep these printables FREE, I do not offer customization or additional levels or designs.  Please visit my Etsy shop for custom order inquiries and price quotes!

For your personal and troop use only.  Professional printing okay.

Jamie My Fashionable Designs
Etsy | Blog | Facebook | Instagram 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Girl Scouts Cookie Goal Poster - Daisies

Here is a new Daisy Cookie Goal Poster! Download HERE or click on the image below. 

For your personal use only.  Professional printing okay.

Jamie My Fashionable Designs

Etsy | Blog | Facebook | Instagram 

Girls Scouts - Brownies Thank You Cards - Cookie Booth

Here is a set of 9 Thank You cards that I created for Brownies!  Great for cookie booth sales! Click HERE or on the image below.

These documents can be downloaded above.  Are you are having trouble downloading?  Click HERE for instructions. 

Clipart created by BitsyCreations

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Family Calendar - Free Printable

If your family is like ours, every week is filled with events, kids parties, meetings, classes, etc!!!  Here is a free printable calendar to keep track of all the chaos!!!


In order to keep these printables FREE, I do not offer customization.  Please visit my Etsy shop for custom order inquiries and price quotes!

For your personal use only.  Professional printing okay.

 Jamie My Fashionable Designs
Etsy | Blog | Facebook | Instagram