
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

My goal in 2011 is to start regularly posting to this blog.  I really feel strongly that it is important for women to look good so they feel good, and as moms, sometimes we give so much to others that we neglect ourselves.  I want to start posting beauty tips, deals & discounts, and maybe even post videos that will help moms out there take some time for themselves. moms everywhere: Have a Fabulous, Fashionable 2011!!!!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Fabulous Christmas!

Well, Christmas is over, and as much as I love all the celebrating, I'm a little relieved!!!  We traveled up to the in-laws, down to my parents', had family dinners, gift exchanges, church services, and even got all the returns/exchanges done.  I'm soooo excited to share about all my fabulous gifts!!

#1 - Jim got me a new phone!!!  The only thing missing is the blinged-out pink cover that I'll be purchasing!

#2 - Pandora beads & necklace

#3 - Boots

#4 - 2-tier Pewter Stand

#5 - Gift Cards!!!!

My birthday was just a few weeks before Christmas, so I'll share some of my best gits:

- Charming Charlie gift card - my new fave store!!!  I got some FAB-U-LOUS jewelry! 
- Willow Tree Nativity set

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Gifts!

Here are the items that are on my Christmas wish list this year....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Skinny Jeans!

Is it okay for us "old" moms to wear skinny jeans??  The two pairs that I own are not exactly legging-tight skinny, and I especially wouldn't want to be wearing anything too tight now with the added baby weight that I'm trying (well, kind of trying) to lose!  But, I don't want to look frumpy and ancient with flared-leg jeans, even though I think they're the most flattering for all body types.  I have to do some research on this topic...more later!  :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No More Maternity Clothes!!!

I gave birth to my son Mason James almost 3 weeks early!  Now my fashion dilema really begins....

Every day I try on my pre-prego jeans, hoping they will fit me...and they don't (Mason is only 2 weeks old, so I don't know why I even bother trying them because I'm NOT Heidi Klum or any of those other celebrities who can go back to a size 2 when they get home from the hospital!).  I have one pair of maternity jeans that I've been wearing out in public and when I'm at home, I just settle for velour pants or PJ bottoms.  Thank goodness for jackets and sparkly scarves, which have helped to cover up my pouch...when does that go away???!!!  I have packed away most of my maternity clothes to donate to the Maternity Resource Center at church, and I'm anxious to start shopping for some "normal" clothes again in the next couple months:)

My twin sister gave birth to a baby girl Reese just 6 days after Mason was born!
Me & Mason, Sarah & Reese:

Mason James
born on October 5, 2010 at exactly 12:00 midnight
8 lbs
19 inches long

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Football Fever!!!

Here in Columbus, Ohio, almost everyone is an Ohio State Buckeyes fan (or at least a fan of some college/pro team), and I'm not just talking about the men!  On game day, the malls are almost empty, the streets are vacant, and everyone is home watching the game. 

Well, I came across a couple great websites for ladies NCAA apparel.  The shirts are fitted & stylish...some even have sparkles!!!

Lady Fanatics:


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shellac Nails - update

After 2 1/2 weeks, I finally had to take off the Shellac UV nail polish that I talked about in a recent post.  So, was it worth the extra $15 to get that "special polish" at the salon???  I will say yes!!!  They were totally right that it doesn't chip.  I only had 2 little chips (one because I cut off a piece of my nail with a knife when I was cutting tomatoes, and the other was a weak nail that just peeled off a little).  I'm right-handed, and my left hand nails looked as if I had just walked out of the salon. The ONLY reason I decided the polish needed to come off was because my nails had grown out enough to where there was a gap between my cuticles and the polish.

However, here is the con:
-It's more difficult to remove than regular polish-
It took about 15 minutes to remove the polish...I had to soak my nails in acetone and scrape it off.  This was a pain, as I don't have much patience when it comes to nail maintenance!

Here's a pic right before I removed the polish, after it had been on 2 1/2 weeks (it's very blurry, I know!).  It was still very glossy and chip-free!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shellac Nails!

Yesterday, my parents were in town visiting, so they watched Mya for me while I escaped to get a pedicure (since I can't reach my toes now!).  I had just planned on getting a basic pedi, no manicure or anything....until the lady was telling me about this Shallac UV nail polish they had.  So, I decided to splurge and get a manicure too, and pay the additional $15 for the special polish for a couple reasons:
1.  She said it will last 2-3 weeks without chipping!
2.  It dries in one minute under the UV light!

What mom, or any woman for that matter, would not LOVE a quick-dry, no-chipping polish without having to get acrylic nails?

Time will tell if it was worth the money, but I can tell you that my nails looks great for now!  They're very shiny, so with the glare, this picture doesn't do them justice!  Find a Shallac salon near you:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shoes for Fall

I'm not expecting to be back to my pre-pregnancy clothing size this fall (my little boy is due 10/22), but one thing that I will fit into is SHOES!!!  So here are some great shoes I found on

All under $100.00-