
Friday, January 29, 2010

Fashionable Mom of the Week!

Celebrity Mom of the Week is Jennifer Lopez, stylish mom of twins, looking fab as always!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have never been very consistent about exercising, mostly because I get very bored with it!!  I hate going downstairs into our cold basement to get on the treadmill, and when I do, my 2 1/2 year old daughter is usually getting into stuff or whining that she wants to go back upstairs.  I'm better about exercising when I have a reason for doing it, and since I'll be going to Florida in a couple months and probably wearing a swimsuit, I have great motivation now!

So, I found a GREAT workout that is only 20 minutes long: Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred!!!  I found it on Exercise TV (it's a free on-demand channel we have where you can pick different types of workouts and watch them when you want.)  I've been doing it for 3 weeks now, and I'm loving it.  I think it's meant to be done every day, but it's pretty intense, so I try to do two days, then take a day off to rest my muscles! 

-It's only 20 minutes (30 min. if you include the warm up/cool down)!
-It has strength, cardio & abs
-Jillian has an advanced and beginner instructor doing the workout with her, so I can follow the one who best suits me
-Just when I think I'm going to drop dead, it's time for cool down!

-Sore muscles!!!  Just when my soreness was gone, I moved up to Level 2 and was sore all over again
-For the workout to be effective, you can't cheat...I have to give pain, no gain!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fashionable Mom of the Week!

My pick for Fashionable Mom of the Week is...Heidi Klum at the Golden Globes!  What a fabulous dress...I can't believe she just gave birth a few months ago!!!!  Who should I pick for next week's fashionable mom of the week?  Email me your votes!
Fashionable Mom
Fashionable Mom by JamieR on

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why Spend More?

Total Cost-

#1 $1,244.99 (yikes!!)
#2 $ 317 (I had to estimate the price of the skirt, as I could not find the price on h&m's website)
#3 $ 237 (I had to estimate the price of the red flats, as I could not find the price in US Dollars on h&m's website.  I guess you can't order on their website in the USA!)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mom's Manicure

I have become so irritated with my fingernails lately.  This dry, cold weather is causing them to break, peel, and chip.  I'm sick of dealing with them!!  Polish won't last for more than a day or two (I'm a little picky about even the slightest chip in polish!).

So, I found my solution...Glue-on Nails
-I can put a set on in less than 10 minutes & trim them down so they're natural-looking
-Take them off 10 days later with no damage to my natural nails
-They're soooo inexpensive compared to acrylic nails from the salon! 
-When applied correctly, they hold up through washing dishes, cleaning, cooking, and all the other motherly duties!

The only difficult thing for me is that I have very high-arch nails, and Kiss has apparently discontinued their high-arch custom fit nails.  I snatched up every last box I could from all the area Walgreens stores (and they were half-price...woohoo!), but now I will have to buy them online.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why Spend More?

I always love when the fashion magazines show how you can create an outfit just like the high-end brands, but for a fraction of the cost!  So, I thought it would be fun to try it myself!

Total Cost-
#1 $1,370 (yikes!!)
#2 $ 259
#3 $ 99.99

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mya is a Model!

My little Mya was a model for a great new website that sells organic baby products:!  These pictures were taken back in the Spring.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My fave hair products

I was not blessed with beautiful, thick, low-maintenance hair.  Therefore, my hair styling routine is a big pain.  Thankfully, my twin sister is a stylist, and after many years and dozens of products, I think I have found great products for my fine, thin, color-damaged hair (for now!).
Note: I don't have a "chi" flat iron below, but I have a comparable one.  Nor do I have the Revlon hot pink hairdryer (I think mine is blue), but isn't it so fabulous?!!
Hair Products
Hair Products by JamieR on